Our workplace discrimination lawyers have obtained monetary recovery for more than 1,500 California employees who were the victims of employment discrimination. We take all employee discrimination cases on a contingency which means we are only paid when and if monetary recovery is obtained from the employer.
Discrimination at work is prohibited by both California employment laws (FEHA) and Federal employment laws (ADA, EEOC). There are many different types of illegal workplace discrimination. Discrimination based upon what are called, “Protected characteristics” are prohibited by California discrimination laws.
The list of prohibited characteristics employers cannot discrimination against include: age over 40, cancer, disability, gender (sex), genetic conditions, military status, national origin, pregnancy, race, sexual identification, sexual orientation, taking of FMLA/CFRA leaves of absence, and veteran status. Employers cannot discriminate against employees who complain about treatment motivated by any of these characteristics. Job terminations due to complaints of discrimination are wrongful termination.
Because we have handled so many workplace discrimination lawsuits our lawyers are highly experienced in proving workplace discrimination. Please contact our California law firm at 1-877-525-0700 in order for our workplace discrimination lawyers to hear about your workplace employment problem and determine if we can prove your case.
Workplace discrimination can be proven through direct and circumstantial evidence. Direct evidence may involve a statement such as, “You are being fired because you are too old for the job.” An employer who misunderstands how long an employee may be out for pregnancy disability leave, and fires the employee before the amount of time allowed for the leave of absence has expired because the employee has not returned to work has engaged in a direct form of workplace discrimination.
Indirect, circumstantial evidence is usually the type of evidence involved in proving workplace discrimination. Circumstantial evidence of workplace discrimination may involve the timing an employment decision. For example, a four year employee may have a good record with their employer. Once the employee announced they are gay all of the sudden their macho manager begins finding fault with their work. Another example would include an employee who complains of sexual harassment and is fired three days later by the sexual harasser.
Workplace discrimination may be proven through witnesses as well as documents. Patterns and pieces of evidence that do not make sense may prove workplace discrimination. In age discrimination cases the replacement of older workers with young, cheaper works is one way to prove age discrimination.
Discrimination at work may involve illegal workplace policies. An employer may allow employees to work light duty if they had a workers compensation injury, but not allow employees to work light duty who are pregnant. In that case Karl Gerber obtained $365,000 for a $9.00 CNA following the win of her jury trial. Click here to read about the Pregnancy Discrimination Case.
Our workplace discrimination attorneys have all sorts of methods of proving workplace discrimination. We cannot go into all of our methods here.
Our lawyers have been at the top of the employment discrimination field for many years. While some law firms come and go, and some law firm attorneys come and go that is not the case at the Employment Lawyers Group. Our most recent firm attorney has been with us since 2008. Others have even more tenure. Although we have added offices over the years we have maintained the same main office since 1999.
Unlike many fake employment attorneys our employment lawyers are real courthouse lawyers when we are not representing employees in mandatory binding employment arbitration. We are frequently in court, conducting trials, preparing for trials, and even do appeals when the need arises. We go the mile doing the necessary legal work to win.
Many large employers require their employees to arbitrate their employment disputes. All of our discrimination lawyers have done actual final binding arbitrations for our clients. Although some lawyers believe binding arbitrations do not result in large monetary recoveries, Karl Gerber obtained more than $539,000 in disability discrimination arbitration, more than $246,000 in a breach of fiduciary duty/disability arbitration, and approximately $137,000 in pregnancy discrimination arbitration. He also obtained multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars in two sexual harassment arbitrations some years back and recently won approximately $218,000 in a same sex, sexual harassment arbitration of a low wage worker.
Speak to an experienced workplace discrimination lawyer at 1-877-525-0700
We represent employees all across California against this state’s large companies and most expensive (although not necessarily best) employment defense lawyers